COVID – Again

It’s probably the worst time for it to happen.

I got COVID.

I was around people more over the last week than I usually am, though I’m not usually a recluse and often am around people.

I’ve been fully vaccinated, and that means I have even have the latest booster.

This weekend I had a lot going on. It was my church retreat and I had a leadership role Friday night, a meeting of our session on Saturday, and was supposed to read scripture at church and head up a project for our Missions Board after church. Oh, and I was going to attend a memorial service for a former co-worker over an hour away from my home.

Then there is writing I have to do – an article due tomorrow for which I’m not feeling especially inspired. My time with the person I interviewed was limited and I’m not getting where I want to get. Would more time with him have helped? Probably, but I need to be a strong enough writer that I can come up with something cohesive with what I’ve got. I think it’s there, it’s just like putting a puzzle together. Can I do it with COVID brain? All I can say is this – I will meet my deadline.

This is the second time I have had COVID and like the first time I got it in January and also I don’t feel bad. It’s like having a sinus infection, but feeling better, if that makes any sense. Still I am lethargic and having problems getting things done. Thus why I haven’t turned on the computer I’m writing that article on.

Life goes on without us. That’s what I’m reminded of during this time. People at church filled in for me and the memorial service – well, I can celebrate the life of my co-worker from afar.

And I’m off to Wales next month, so this way my immunity to COVID should be high. Let’s hope so at least!

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