A Little Bit of Catch-Up

I need to get better at blogging every week. There’s been a lot going on!

I’m still enjoying my job. My boss is easy to work with and my hours couidn’t be better – I work full days Tuesdays and Thursdays and half a day on Wednesday. I think that works best for everyone, but four day weekends every week are a great gift at this time of life.

I don’t think I have mentioned our local film festival, the Full Bloom Film Festival in Statesville, NC. What a great time that always is. I had seen a lot of the films since I was on the judging committee, but since there were so many I definitely didn’t get to all of them (I saw about half).

My favorite part of the festival is hearing from film makers, certainly an interesting breed. I was a venue manager on Saturday, so got to lead discussion on the films shown in my venue when a filmmaker was in attendance. They were all delights. Listening to their passion and excitement makes you a fan, for sure.

Moving on to the arts, most Wednesday evenings you can find me at something called Piedmont Folkways. Our area of the world had produced some of the best folk musicians (and folk is a very broad category.) This week a group, Catfish in the Sky – a group of Berklee School of Music students – played for the second time. Keep an eye on these folks. Each is so talented and together they are something special. You can watch their whole show on the Piedmont Folkways Facebook page. If you enjoy this music, they Facebook Live each performance, so you can “attend” wherever you are. Local folks, come join us!

This weekend I went with my nephew’s wife and kids to a chainsaw competition. I didn’t know there was such a thing until maybe a year ago when I learned my nephew had been traveling up North to these competitions. This one was a few hours away (at Western Carolina University), so we made a day trip of it to cheer him and his friends on.

What fun! I had no idea there were so many kinds of chain saws. The most interesting to me were the most highly modified chainsaws. My nephew ended up with eight ribbons (which we didn’t see him collect because his rugrats were hungry). He follows my dad in incredible mechanical ability, so this is right up his alley. I’ll be attending more festivals in the future. I do love a competition.

The sweetest part of the competition was my nephew’s sons, especially his youngest. We all need to be cheered on in our lives like this.

And an update on my health journey. I’m not exercising much at all, which I hope fall will help change. Cooler weather usually helps me. Most of the issue is not having a regular schedule, which I need to rectify. It is what we need – regardless of what we do. I have come to see the number of activities most of us can do are limitless. We do have to do them, though – no getting around that.

Eating has also not been as good as it could be. I need to cook more. Don’t get me wrong – I eat out very little these days because I don’t control my eating when eating out well.

But I also fall into eating quickie means with no leftovers. Fixing a pot of soup or lentils or another healthy dish helps me have no excuse to make poor choices. I also need to eat more meat. My body does not process plant-based iron well and when I start eating meat-free too often I get anemic.

Then there’s the problem of not eating enough calories, something women especially get in the bad habit of doing.

A healthy life is a balanced life. Too much, too little – neither are good. I know this, but sometimes “forget” tomoractice it.

Oh, and I joined my church yesterday. I’ve been going there for years but membership has never been stressed and we don’t have traditional membership anyway – we have “covenant participants”. That started because they never wanted it to be a situation where people voted in members.

One of the good things about our church us everyone who wants to be a part of things is welcome. Everyone who attends can vote on issues and fully participate in all areas of the church.

But I have always felt it important to commit to spiritual support, both giving and receiving. It should give you a slightly different mindset. Make you not just look to your own growth, but encouraging those around you.

Our church doesn’t require anyone believe anything in particular to be a covenant participant. We feel seeking spiritual growth and community is a good thing. No one will throw your “sin” in your face – we’ll leave that to God. Who knows what God is working to change in you? It may be something deep others can’t see. But we will actively love you where you are. And you can be honest about where that is., if you want to and when you’re ready.

Plus, don’t we all have enough on our hands with ourselves? While I will never say I’m judgment-free, because I am sure I judge others even when not aware. When I do, I’m the wrong one – and you are welcome to tell me. Unless you are a close friend or family member and we’re invested in each other’s lives. Then we owe each other to encourage the best life. Though we really need to only say it once. Does nagging help anybody? Not usually in a good way.

Have the best week. Look for joy.

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