Trying to Keep Up With Life

This picture came from me trying to take a picture of a flashing sign in a moving car, through rain and windshield wipers.

I wasn’t successful.

One thing I love about Wales is the dual signage. No, I speak no Welsh and the only word I know is “cwtsh“ (promounce kutch) which means “cuddle”. You see it all over. You see other words, too, but being in South Wales most are as clueless to their meaning and pronunciation than me.

I had no idea what the sign said but it was bold and colorful and flashing and I was curious. An English version came up later and it was something like “Dangerous Conditions”.

Still, my attempt to get that picture reminded me that often in life we fail because we just aren’t fast enough.

My cousin Kerry and I have watched several quiz shows since I have been here. The disappointment of running out of time, when your mind just can’t grab that answer quick enough, is so common. I feel bad for them, and I can’t imagine how some must best themselves up.

Still, sometimes you see a contestant who does not seem disappointed at all. They simply enjoyed the experience. It’s a choice and a frame of mind that makes life so much easier.

We need to try to fail more. Oh, sure I’m quite competitive and always want to win, but isn’t it great to go into an experience and say “I doubt this will be successful, but I’m going to do it anyway”?

I’m trying to do that more.

It’s weird to think that failure can enrich your life, but so often it can. Live with a bit more abandon. Even in the little things. Try to be grab perfection, but let it be OK when you fall short.

I didn’t get the shot I was after, but I just call it “modern art”.


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