My Health Update – Because I Know You Care

I’m going it alone. Well, sort of.

If you recall, I met with a nutritionist for 10 months last year. I lost eight lbs.

Well, that’s something, but it didn’t make a dent in what I wanted to lose. They wanted me to eat three meals and two snacks a day, for a total of around 1,600 calories. It did make sense for a menopausal woman.

But it wasn’t working for me. She kept asking me about things like strength training, which I agree is important, but I know much of weight loss is in the food you eat.

I love nutrition and eat well. I sometimes eat too much, and I sometimes eat too little. I read not too long ago that a woman needs at least 1200 calories a day to be healthy. Those days we think we’we doing well because we’ve eaten 600, we’re hurting ourselves and our metabolism

I did join a year-long pre-diabetes program with my insurance carrier. Am I at high disk for diabetes? No. But the accountability is important to me.

They don’t require I do any special diet or cut out any particular foods. So far the education has been good. I’m trying to stay balanced. Eat well most of the time, but it’s fine if I indulge on occasion. The 80/20 concept.

I keep the food at my home healthy. Most indulgences come from eating out. But yeah, trying to keep the breads and the chips away from me. But, if I feel like eating them I do. If not, the allure gets greater. And ice cream? Yes, I will eat it on occasion. There won’t be a half gallon in my freezer, though.

So far in a month and a half I have matched the 9 lbs. I lost in 10 months last year.

Food should be good. It should have flavor. We should enjoy it. But we shouldn’t eat mindlessly. It’s bad when I eat too much and it’s bad when I eat too little. So I will just say I am on the Goldilocks diet – going for just right.

I’m about to head out for vacation and that will be a bit of a challenge, but I’m also headed to the beach so seafood will be on my mind. I’m hoping to at least maintain when I am gone – and get a bit of exercise in, too.

I didn’t write anything here for Memorial Day, but here’s an article I wrote for NewsBreak. I consider myself a pacifist, but that also means it’s important to care about what happens to our troops. The reality many face breaks my heart – and they should not be forgotten.

1 Comment

  1. Have a great vacation. Food and weight have become such loaded topics in our world. I’m a bit jealous of the opportunity for fresh seafood, however. Yum.

    Well done on losing an additional nine pounds – you’re right about weight loss being primarily about calories in.


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