Trying a New Weight Loss Plan – and Other Things in Life

Well, the 10 months with the dietitian didn’t work for me.

I’m still not sure why. Eating five times a day was difficult for me, and I didn’t do well working out, but I did OK. I kept the basics, ate well, and my calorie count was where it needed to be.

I only lost about eight pounds and those have slipped back on. I don’t usually yoyo diet, so that is unusual for me.

Weight loss after menopause is hard!

It’s also difficult to schedule work-out time when so much is going on in life.

But none of it is impossible and I won’t stop. I want to be healthy – not thin. I have things to do, and at age 62 it is imperative I stay fit.

So, I signed up with a program with my insurance for pre-diabetics.

I barely qualified, but I slid in. Truly I do not think I will get diabetes, though my mom hits the bottom limit for Type 2. But you never know, do you?

Still, I believe the principals of the program will be helpful. It will be a year commitment and I like having to stick to something for the long term. I like a accountability, but not too much accountability. I don’t like my rebel button to be pushed. It seems to be an eat-well, move-more sort of approach, but I’ll let you know.

In other news, I’m scrambling right now to finish judging a literary contest. It’s fun to put your mind in this frame, as it is different than just reading. But I look forward to seeing who will be awarded “the prize” for their novel. It’s fun to think someone will may a boost for the award.

Two, or three, things I did this weekend (when I was supposed to be reading)…

* I went to a Pinterest class at my local library and made the birdhouse above. Don’t look to close, because it is not perfect by any means. But it was a good time – and they supplied all materials, including the birdhouse itself.

I’ll say it again – the library is doing a great job at staying relevant, check yours out. I’ll bet you’ll find some surprises!

* Then I went to a soup luncheon for our local homeless shelter – who do other things, too. They have a women’s shelter, a veteran’s home, some tiny homes, and a house for the homeless who live outdoors (where they can go for a meal, a shower, and laundry.)

* Oh, and also avoiding reading I was binge streaming the Indonesian show The Wedding Agreement on Hulu.

The main couple have great chemistry and the female lead is stunning. I don’t typically notice looks to a large extent, but sometimes you notice someone who seems to sparkle inside-out and she is one of those. Her name in real life is Indah Permatasari. She makes interesting acting choices that not only make her spark, but those around her, too. It’s been fun to watch. I believe only a few English-dubbed episodes have been released so I have been using subtitles. I get impatient to see all there is.

I’m not sure there will be a second season as this is a new one, but I suspect there will be. I hope so! It’s the one reason I hate watching shows early on. I should just keep to older shows.

And what are you watching or doing?

1 Comment

  1. Our library lends cool stuff that isn’t books. You can take out ladder golf. Or a ukele. Or a radon test kit. I love libraries.
    I just watched a British series on Prime called “The Undeclared War.” I quite enjoyed it.


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